Bethel United Methodist Church
What should I wear?
Feel free to come as you are – no special outfit is required! You’ll find that many wear casual clothing, others business casual or a coat and tie. We want you to feel comfortable as you come to participate in worship and it will be our joy to welcome you!
Is your church easily accessible?
Yes it is. Our church is all one level with wide doorways and flat walk ways. There is a small ramp on the rear entrance. There is plenty of handicapped parking so that you’re close to the doors.
Do you have child care?
We have a paid child-care worker who provides consistency and a friendly face to the children during both Sunday School and worship. Miss Kathy is assisted by volunteers each week to provide a safe and supervised nursery experience.
When is worship?
During the school year, services start at 11:00 a.m. Beginning Memorial Day weekend and continuing through Labor Day weekend, services are held at 10:00 a.m.
Will I have to stand up or say something as a newcomer?
Not if you don’t feel comfortable doing so! You’ll find that we will greet you warmly and welcome you but you will not be required to stand up during worship or be recognized in any other way. Unless, of course, you would like to stand up and give a shout out!
Do I have to be an active Christian believer to attend?
Absolutely not! We believe God meets us where we are, so wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we hope you’ll come worship with us, be involved in a mission project, or join one of our small groups if you’d like.
Are your worship services easy to follow?
Yes, we try hard to give everyone written and/or verbal directions as we move through the order of worship. We do hope you find our worship to be engaging and meaningful.
How long are your worship services?
Each service tends to be around an hour in length.