Bethel United Methodist Church
About Us
Greetings and welcome to Bethel United Methodist Church’s website. We are a Christian community of faith that is active and committed, joyful in praise, loving in relationships, and caring in service with a strong emphasis on our relationship with God and with one another.
We are committed to responding to God’s grace and generosity in Jesus Christ by passing it on during worship and in our ministries, missions, small group settings and fellowship opportunities that reach out to touch and make a difference in the lives of people of all ages.
Please browse our site to find information about our discipleship, nurture, outreach, and worship opportunities. There are programs for children, youth, young adults and families, health and small group interests, and men’s and women’s fellowship, service and study.
If you are in the area, we invite you to worship with us. If we can assist you on your spiritual journey, please call or email us.
Meet our Pastors
Rev. Clint Phillips, Senior Pastor
Pastor Clint came to Bethel on July 1, 2022. Clint grew up in Arnold northeast of Pittsburgh along the Allegheny River and lived there until shortly after he married his high school sweetheart, Karla. Clint was called to ministry at a young age, but he ultimately pursued other passions in college. After he and Karla were married in 2002, they moved to Latrobe, PA where they began their family and attending Bethany UMC. It was there that he would soon know his calling once again.
Clint began his college work at IUP in 1997, but after time off from his studies, and 10 years in retail management, he answered the call into ministry. Clint returned 13 years later to finish his BA in theater and graduated in 2014. He then moved to United Theological Seminary and finished there with a Master of Divinity in 2017. Clint started ministry as a local pastor in 2014 and became a provisional member of the conference in 2018. Clint was ordained as an elder in the UMC in June 2021.
Clint served as a youth pastor for 3 years and an associate pastor at Bethany United Methodist for 2 of those years. Since then he has served at Greensburg Trinity and Jeannette First Charge and Punxsutawney Cross Town Ministries. ng as the pastor at Mt Zion in DuBois, PA. Clint currently serves as the Greensburg District Buildings and Locations Chairperson and as a member of the Sessions Team for Annual Conference. Clint has served on the Conference Young Adult Committee Team, as well as Trustees, Building and Locations and Youth Committee Chair in the Indiana District. Clint is also a member of the Order of the Flame, in connection with World Methodist Evangelism.
Clint has a passion for music and theater arts and enjoys using them in ministry. He also has a great love of children's and youth ministries. In addition to his wife of 21 years, Karla, his family includes their 14 yr old daughter, Sarah, and their 11yr old son, Isaiah.