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Our Ministries

Children Singing in a Choir

Sonshine Singers

Children from preschoolers through sixth grade share their voices and enthusiam by singing during our services the 5th Sunday in a month.  They are led by music educator Erin Moran Pattison with help from a supportive group of parents. 

Methodist Men 

This group of men meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Their focus is service and fellowship. They plan yearly retreats and fundraisers for church projects.

Garage Sale Box

Ruth Circle

This multi-generational group of women is involved in missions, member care, and fund-raising for church projects. Their spring and fall rummage sales are as much of a community service as a fundraiser! Their soup sales are very popular!

They meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Contact Trish Grubb.

Bethel Book Club

A group of women who meet on the 3rd Monday of each month during the school year (excluding December.) They gather at 7:00 pm to discuss the current book over dessert. This group is open to women of all ages. 

Used Books

The Chancel Choir

Volunteers from 7th grade and up, blend their voices for Sunday morning services.  Practice is Tuesday at 7pm. A love of making a joyful noise in praise of the Living God is the only requirement for participation. 

Loaves & Fishes

Jesus cared for the body as well as the spirit when he fed the 5000.  Bethel provides membership care through home-cooked meals, transportation to appoinments, phone calls just to check in, light handy-person activities, etc. Diane Moran coordinates this ministry. 
Assisting the Elder

Youth Fellowship

Teens grades 7 through 12 meet weekly Sunday evening for fun, fellowship, service, and faith development.  They participate in work mission trips and spiritual retreats. 

Cans for Camperships/Erin's Camperships 

Our Cans for Camperships became Erin’s camperships in memory of Erin Jedlowski, one of our own who died while supervising a mission trip for the Waynesburg UMC. Children and Youth attend camp every summer with stipends from the fund.

Bible discussion group
Bible Study

Pastor Clint, Pastor Lynette, and others lead periodic Bible Studies. Some studies focus on Books of the Bible while others are topical.  

Prayer Chain and Ministry

Share your concern by calling or emailing the office, and Bethel's prayer warriors will pray without ceasing. 

Praying Hands

Vacation Bible School

Each summer, Bethel invites children from the church and the surrounding community to a week-long program of Bible study, crafts, recreation, music,  snacks, and fellowship.  Diane Moran coordinates this activity with the help of many others. 

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